首页> 外文会议>IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications >Estimation of above ground biomass of Keniam forests, Taman Negara Pahang

Estimation of above ground biomass of Keniam forests, Taman Negara Pahang




Above-ground tree biomass was estimated for the low-land forests of Taman Negara, Pahang. Five transect lines measuring at 100 × 20 m of each were established for this study. The transect lines consist of a total of 439 trees. The tree height and the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all trees (≥ 10 cm) were measured in each transect line. Kato et al. (1978) function was used to estimate the three components of above-ground tree biomass viz: stem, branches and leaves. The total above-ground tree biomass for all transect lines in the study area were computed from the summation of these biomass components. The means of above-ground tree biomass were at the ranged of 612.2 kg to 983.6 kg. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test procedure revealed that there is no significant difference in the means of above-ground biomass between transect lines. Results of the analysis suggests that the factors exist within different localities has no influence on the estimated above-ground tree biomass. Hence, it is hoped that this study can provide useful information with regards to the biomass estimation as an indicator of tree carbon stocks.
机译:在洪昌塔曼尼卡拉的低地森林估计地上树生物量。为本研究建立了每次100×20m的五个横向线。横线组成总共439棵树。在每个横向线中测量所有树木(≥10cm)的树高和乳房高度(DBH)的直径。 Kato等人。 (1978)函数用于估计地上树木生物量的三个组分:茎,分支和叶子。从这些生物质组分的总和计算研究区域中所有横向线的地上所有横向线的总树生物质。地上树木生物量的方法在612.2kg至983.6 kg的范围内。方差分析(ANOVA)测试程序揭示了几横线之间的地上生物质的装置没有显着差异。分析结果表明,不同地方存在的因素对估计的地面树生物质没有影响。因此,希望该研究可以提供关于生物量估计作为树碳储备的指标的有用信息。



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