首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Modern Education and Information Management >Cultural teaching from the perspective of cultural codes in the era of big data

Cultural teaching from the perspective of cultural codes in the era of big data




The countries through which China's Belt and Road Initiative passes include rich and diverse cultural circles, which have interacted, influenced, spread and merged in culture and customs since ancient times. How to promote the spread and take root of international Chinese education in various countries smoothly through cultural teaching, and establishing a communication mode of mutual understanding is the primary goal of cultural teaching. With the advent of 5g era, we have entered the real era of big data. It is combined with AI, big data, cloud, IPv6, sensors and so on, creating the next era of faster, more direct, more stable and more three-dimensional connection between people, people and things, things and things. This paper starts from the perspective of big data era, links cultural impressions through cultural codes, and uses cultural codes as a medium to provide another planning idea for future nationalized cultural teaching.



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