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The Impact of Party Political Education on Cadre Political Attitudes




This research is motivated by the strengthening role of political parties, especially in carrying out one of its functions, namely political education. DPD PDI-P West Java as one of the parties that has a strong and loyal cadre base is a background of researchers interested in exploring the role of this party in influencing the political attitude of its cadres. The formulation of the research problem is how is the impact of political education organized by the DPD PDI-P West Java in influencing cadre politics? The research approach used is qualitative with the case study method. The results of this study explain that party cadres are given political education consistently starting from the lowest level, namely branches, so that the results seen in the cadres are high growth of loyalty towards the party, growing critical thinking, having more open insight towards politics and becoming more active participate in various activities and socialize both with fellow cadres and with non-cadres in self-maturation efforts. The conclusion that can be drawn is the political education carried out by the DPD PDI-P West Java in influencing the political attitude of its cadres carried out in stages, within a relatively long time but proven to be able to build the soul of a cadre as the goal of political education.
机译:这项研究是通过加强政党的作用,特别是在执行其职能之一,即政治教育方面。 DPD PDI-P西Java作为具有强大和忠诚的干部基地的各方之一,是有兴趣探索这一缔约方影响其干部的政治态度的研究人员的背景。研究问题的制定是DPD PDI-P西Java在影响干部政治时组织的政治教育的影响?使用的研究方法是与案例研究方法进行定性。本研究的结果解释说,党的干部是从最低水平,即分支机构开始的政治教育,因此干部中所看到的结果对党的忠诚度高,越来越大的思维,对政治进行了更加开放的思想并变得更加积极参与各种活动,并与其他干部和自我成熟努力的非干部社交。可以绘制的结论是DPD PDI-P西爪哇队在影响其阶段进行的干部的政治态度进行的政治教育,但在相对较长的时间内,已被证明能够建立一个干部的灵魂作为政治教育的目标。



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