
Education for All Citizens




Indonesia towards inclusive education is declared in Bandung West Java at August 11, 2004. Determined by the government for the implementation of the education for all program. The implementation of inclusive schools in the hope that they can mobilize reguler schools to organized educational programs for all children including disabilities. Every disability person has right to education in all sector, paths, types and level of education. They have the right to develop talents, abilities and social life, within the family and society Several years after being declared The 4 Bandung High School, assigned by the government to accept ability children. The disabilities have unique learning, the teacher must serve according to his cognitive development, otherwise the measurement of learning outcomes is somewhat different from normal children. Those characteristics provide certain variations for the Pancasila and Civic education teacher. The subject purpose to foster good, intelligent, democratic, disciplined, and responsible citizens. The problem is how the characteristics of Pancasila and citizenship in teaching in inclusive classes, is there a different with regular classes.



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