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Students Cosmopolitanism Perspectives, What are the Nationalism Threats? The Challenges of Civic Education Subject in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0

机译:学生国际化的角度,民族主义威胁是什么? 工业革命时代公民教育主体的挑战4.0



In the latest period especially, the nationalism issues look like a colloquial language in daily social life. Nowadays, the nationalism challenges itself can be defined as an internationalism that brought by the globalization process as well as the cosmopolitan culture. A cosmopolitan culture will arise, it is not impossible if it can delete the national culture of a nation. Some of the moral issues were arises among the adolescents and it has become a problem that has not been resolved completely. This condition should become a strongly concerning issue for parents and teachers. The industrial revolution era 4.0 is an issue that will be a big crucial problem and challenges for Indonesia government, in addition, it also signed by the improvement of technology, especially internet usage on a social media platform. This research is categorized in library study or familiarly called a study of literature in the areas of qualitative research. Collecting library references, reading some references, taking notes, and analyzing some of the documents or references that in accordance with this study theme-students cosmopolitanism perspective, what are the nationalism threats? The challenges of civic education subject in the industrial revolution era 4.0. A civic education is one of the subjects has an important role and responsibility for preparing the students to become a citizen or society of this county-Indonesia who have a nationality and love sense toward their motherland, and also restoring the essential meaning in the nurture of national identity through implementing familiar principle which often mentioned-think globally and acts locally.
机译:在最近的一段时间,民族主义问题看起来像日常社会生活中的一种口语。如今,民族主义挑战本身就可以被定义为全球化进程和国际化文化所带来的国际主义。将出现一个国际化文化,如果它可以删除国家的民族文化,这是不是不可能的。青少年中出现了一些道德问题,它已成为一个尚未完全解决的问题。这种情况应该是父母和教师的强烈问题。工业革命时代4.0是一个问题,这将是印度尼西亚政府的一个重要问题和挑战,此外,它还通过改进技术,特别是在社交媒体平台上互联网使用来签署。本研究分类在图书馆研究中或熟悉在定性研究领域的文学研究。收集图书馆参考,阅读一些参考文献,记笔记,并根据本研究主题 - 学生国际化视角分析一些文件或参考文献,是什么民族主义威胁?公民教育主体在工业革命时期4.0中的挑战。公民教育是其中一个主题,对准备学生成为这一县 - 印度尼西亚的公民或社会的重要作用和责任,他们对祖国具有国籍和爱情感,以及恢复培育中的基本意义通过实施熟悉的原则,通过实施常见的原则来全球思考的国家身份并在本地行动。



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