首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Religion and Public Civilization >Religious Conflict Transformation through Collective Memory and the Role of Local Music

Religious Conflict Transformation through Collective Memory and the Role of Local Music




This study departs from the writer's interest in efforts for conflict transformation in Maluku where religious diversity has been used as an instrument to escalate the conflict between people in Maluku. In efforts for conflict transformation in Maluku, the local music functions as a way of reviving the collective memory of the Maluku people about their cultural identity as orang basudara, an identity that was formed within the cultural institution of the community, such as in the cultural ritual pela-gandong that has been practised since ancient times, as well as in the life practices of orang basudara in their daily social encounters. The collective memory of the cultural identity of the Maluku community as orang basudara encourages the transformation of situations and relationships of conflict into situations and relationships in their life as orang basudara, which means they should always protect one another, help one another, and make peace with one another to end any conflict. Therefore, the goal of this research is to present an academic explanation which shows that music has the potential to communicate the collective memory of the Maluku people in connection with their cultural identity so that it can contribute to the scenario of conflict transformation in the community.
机译:本研究从作家对Maluku的冲突转型努力的兴趣离开,宗教多样性被用作升级Maluku之间人民之间的冲突。在Maluku的冲突转型努力中,当地音乐作为恢复Maluku人民的集体记忆与orang Basudara的文化识别的一种方式,是在社区文化制度中形成的身份,例如文化仪式佩拉 - 甘东以来,自古以来一直在练习,以及在日常社会遭遇中orang basudara的生活实践。 Maluku社区的文化身份的集体记忆orang basudara鼓励将冲突的情况和关系转变为orang basudara的情况和关系,这意味着他们应该始终互相保护,互相帮助,并使和平彼此结束任何冲突。因此,这项研究的目标是提出一个学术解释,表明音乐有可能与他们的文化认同相关的Maluku人民的集体记忆,以便有助于社区的冲突变革的情景。



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