首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Art Studies: Science, Experience, Education >The Aesthetic Unconsciousness of Flower Images in Che Yangao's Poem

The Aesthetic Unconsciousness of Flower Images in Che Yangao's Poem

机译:Che Yangao诗中花卉图像的审美无意识



The poet Che Yangao selects and applies a large number of traditional aesthetic image, flowers in poetry creation, which can be roughly divided into two main tones and four color systems. One is a series of warm tones represented by red and yellow, and the other is a series of cool tones represented by white and purple. The images of Che Y angao's poems describe the warmth and gray of life at the same time. It shows a balance in visual effects and emotional restraint, which makes the overall poetic style show a kind of gentle warmth with cold and warm tones. The poet is drawn by an aesthetic unconsciousness in the process of creation. This unconsciousness includes both the universal spirit and historical tradition of the collective unconsciousness, as well as the individual unconsciousness influenced by the poet's life experience. Because of the influence of the collective unconsciousness, the poet will prefer the flower image in the selection of the image; because of the influence of individual unconsciousness, the poet especially favors the lotus in many flower images. The unconsciousness behind these image practice exploration and image selection has important demonstration significance for the destruction and reconstruction of the aesthetic image of contemporary poetry, showing the poet's unique aesthetic perspective and aesthetic expression.
机译:诗人Che Yangao选择并应用大量的传统美学形象,在诗歌创造中,这可以大致分为两个主色调和四种颜色系统。一个是一系列由红色和黄色代表的暖色调,另一个是由白色和紫色代表的一系列凉爽的色调。 Che Y angao的诗歌的图像同时描述了温暖和灰色的生活。它显示了视觉效果和情感克制的平衡,这使整体诗歌风格显示出一种温柔的温暖,寒冷和暖和的色调。诗人被创作过程中的审美无意识所吸引。这种无意识包括集体无意识的普遍精神和历史传统,以及受诗人生活经历影响的个人无意识。由于集体无意识的影响,诗人更喜欢花图像选择图像;由于个体无意识的影响,诗人特别喜欢许多花卉图像中的莲花。这些形象实践探索和图像选择背后的无意识对当代诗歌的审美形象的破坏和重建具有重要的示范意义,显示了诗人独特的审美视角和审美表达。



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