首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Art Studies: Science, Experience, Education >The Magic of Sound Chaos: East Slavonic 'Borona' (Harrow) Ritual

The Magic of Sound Chaos: East Slavonic 'Borona' (Harrow) Ritual




The article focuses on the ritual "harrow", well documented for the Eastern Slavs. It is enacted by the participants as the simultaneous performance of all calendar song genres with strong seasonal association, which are known in the tradition. Folk singers believe that the performance of ritual songs out of their allotted time period could lead to negative consequences. However, in this ritual such rule is usually intentionally violated. Musical sound - a powerful magical tool that can be used to work on time, and this property is deliberately used to achieve a particular result in critical situations. The ritual "harrow" was conducted in a drought in order to invoke rain, or to neutralize a witch who can deprive cereals of their crop yield. The term "harrow" here is not associated with utilizing harrow as a ritual object. The verb "harrow" is often used by folk singers in the sense of "sing inaccurately". The simultaneous sound of all calendar genres leads to the intentional ritual collapse of time, its "contraction" to a single point at the performance of the ritual. Employment of such unusual audio technique is connected with the requirement for an exceptional magic force applied only in extraordinary circumstances. The chaos of sounds produced in the ritual was complimented by a certain pattern of actions, which varied depending on the pragmatic purpose of the ritual.
机译:这篇文章侧重于仪式“耙”,为东方斯拉夫队编写了很好的文件。参与者作为与强大的季节性协会的所有日历歌曲类型的同时表现所颁布的,这在传统中众所周知。民间歌手认为,仪式歌曲的表现出分配的时间段可能会导致负面后果。但是,在这种仪式中,通常有意违反此类规则。音乐声 - 一种能够按时工作的强大魔法工具,这种属性是故意用于在危急情况下实现特定的结果。仪式“耙”是在干旱中进行的,以便调用下雨,或者中和一个可以剥夺谷物产量的女巫。这里的术语“耙”与利用耙作为仪式对象无关。动词“耙”常常被民间歌手在“不准确”的意义上使用。所有日历类型的同时声音导致有意的时间仪式崩溃,它的“收缩”到仪式表现的单一点。这种不寻常的音频技术的就业与仅在非凡的情况下应用的特殊魔法的要求。仪式中产生的声音混乱是由某种行动模式称赞,这取决于仪式的务实目的。



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