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Research on the Curriculum Reform of 'An Introduction to E-Commerce' Based on MOOC




The Ministry of Education of China has established the establishment of high-quality "golden course" courses informatization and online and offline as an important construction direction for colleges and universities in the future. As an application-oriented undergraduate college, how to embody the application type, highlight the students' skill level, and use the online teaching platform such as the good motto class to create a golden lesson is also a question to be considered. The e-commerce major in the "Introduction to E-Commerce" course is electronic. The professional foundation course of business major is the first professional course for students to understand the profession and enter the profession. It has an important foundation and guiding role for the improvement of students' professional level and quality. This requires the establishment of the course to stimulate students' interest. Complete university studies. However, through the actual course teaching, we will find that this course has a single teaching mode in the teaching process, the course orientation is not accurate, the teaching methods, methods and contents are outdated, and the "double-teacher" type of teachers lacks such problems. In response to these problems, through the establishment of the online open platform platform, changing the teaching mode, updating the teaching content, strengthening the practical teaching, optimizing the teaching methods and methods, and actively introducing and cultivating the teachers' practical ability and level, and comprehensively improve the curriculum teaching. effect. In the teaching process of MOOC mode, there are many changes in the roles of teachers and students. Students should start from the pre-study class and enter the course. After each part of the course, they need to complete the exercises and discussions. The teachers need to strengthen the evaluation of the learning effects of each chapter of the course. And participation in professional counseling and discussion, these teachers put forward higher requirements in terms of professional competence and literacy. Both students and teachers need to constantly adapt to the requirements and changes of this model in order to meet the development needs of the new teaching model reform, and the curriculum will truly become a veritable "golden class."
机译:中国教育部建立了在未来建立了高质量的“黄金课程”课程和在线和离线,作为未来高校的重要建设方向。作为一个面向申请的本科学院,如何体现应用类型,突出学生的技能水平,并使用在线教学平台等良好的座右铭课程创造金色课也是一个要考虑的问题。 “电子商务简介”课程中的电子商务专业是电子。专业的商业基础课程是学生了解专业并进入职业的第一课程。它对提高学生的专业水平和质量有重要的基础和指导作用。这需要建立课程来激发学生的兴趣。完全大学学习。但是,通过实际的课程教学,我们会发现本课程在教学过程中有一个教学模式,课程方向不准确,教学方法,方法和内容过时,“双老师”类型教师缺乏这样的问题。在响应这些问题,通过在线开放平台平台的建立,改变教学模式,更新教学内容,加强实践教学,优化教学方法和方法,积极引入和培养教师的实践能力和水平,全面提高课程教学。影响。在Mooc模式的教学过程中,教师和学生的角色存在许多变化。学生应该从学习前的课程开始并进入课程。在课程的每个部分后,他们需要完成练习和讨论。教师需要加强对课程各章的学习效果的评价。并参与专业咨询和讨论,这些教师在专业能力和识字方面提出了更高的要求。学生和教师都需要不断适应该模型的要求和变化,以满足新的教学模式改革的发展需求,课程将真正成为一个名副其实的“金色课程”。



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