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Research on the Relationship between Corpus Linguistics and Translation




The corpus is the database responsible for the storage of language materials. As a large-scale electronic text library, researchers can conduct related language theory and applied research by using computer analysis tools to. It is widely used to provide relevant statistics or case studies for many fields such as language teaching, traditional language research, natural language processing, and lexicography. Linguistics is a branch of corpus linguistics, and it is inseparable from the corpus. The research direction of this paper mainly focuses on the relationship between corpus linguistics and translation and puts forward some viewpoints on it.
机译:语料库是负责存储语言材料的数据库。 作为一个大型电子文本库,研究人员可以通过使用计算机分析工具进行相关的语言理论和应用研究。 它广泛用于为语言教学,传统语言研究,自然语言处理和词典等许多领域提供相关统计或案例研究。 语言学是语料库语言学的一个分支,它与语料库不可分割。 本文的研究方向主要侧重于语料库语言学和翻译之间的关系,并提出了一些观点。



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