首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities >Gerhard Oberhammer's Philosophical Works: Linguistic Analysis

Gerhard Oberhammer's Philosophical Works: Linguistic Analysis

机译:Gerhard Oberhammer的哲学作品:语言分析



The article deals with a challenge a translator of Gerhard Oberhammer's philosophical texts may face. The authors highlight the peculiarities that can be singled out in the process of the analysis of Oberhammer's vision of the fundamental principles of Vishishta-Advita philosophy and dwell upon Oberhammer's style and the grammatical peculiarities of the German language that manifest themselves in Oberhammer's text making it quite a challenge for a translator to render it into Russian. A reference to the translation tradition (often faulty) of rendering I. Kant's texts as well as a brief review of the main translation transformations which one can try to apply to philosophical texts poses a question of the length to which a translator can go in his/her attempt to render G. Oberhammer's text.
机译:文章涉及挑战格拉德·奥伯哈默尔的哲学文本的翻译。作者突出了在奥伯哈默尔对Vishishta-Advita哲学的基本原则的分析过程中可以单独挑选的特殊性,并在Oberhammer的风格和德国语言中表现出来的德国语言的语法特性翻译将其变成俄语的挑战。关于翻译传统(通常是错误的)渲染I.康德的文本以及介绍一个可以试图申请哲学文本的主要翻译变换的简要回顾构成了翻译可以进入他的长度的问题/她试图渲染G. Oberhammer的文字。



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