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Seeing Is Not Believing: Millennial' Healthful Menu Evaluation




Millennials are technologically and visually-oriented, preferring pictures over words (Connaway et al., 2008; Crawling, 2015). Millennial preference for pictures is relevant to menu evaluation, especially given the lack of research about the role that pictures play in menus. While pictures are recommended to be selectively placed in menus (McCall and Lynn, 2008), there is a void in the literature regarding how pictures and verbal information impact menu evaluation (Hou et al., 2017), especially given mandatory calorie labeling requirements (King and Shu, 2016). Existing research has examined symbols placed next to food items such as hearts, thumbs up, and traffic lights on influencing heathy food selections (McCall and Lynn, 2008), but to date no studies have considered the role of the image of the healthful item, like the image of a salad, in influencing purchase intention. Thus, there is a gap in the literature in understanding Millennials' menu evaluation of the healthful fast food menu items they eat on a regular basis. Given that restaurant menus influence behavioral intentions (Fakih et al., 2016), the goal of this paper is to examine Millennials' perceptions of different menu options to see how purchase intention changes based upon the item description with presentation of: (1) healthful image, (2) listing of calories with no image, and (3) healthful image with calories.
机译:千禧一代在技术上和视觉上导向,更喜欢单词的图片(Connaway等,2008;爬行,2015)。千禧一代的图片偏好与菜单评估相关,特别是缺乏关于图片在菜单中播放的角色的研究。虽然建议使用图片选择性地放置在菜单中(McCall和Lynn,2008),但文献中存在有关图片和口头信息影响菜单评估的文献中的空白(Hou等,2017),特别是给予强制性卡路里标签要求(国王和舒,2016年)。现有的研究已经检查了在影响Heathy Food Selections(McCall和Lynn,2008)的食物,竖起大拇指和交通灯等食品旁边的符号,但到目前为止没有研究考虑了卫生项目的形象的作用,像沙拉的形象一样,在影响购买意向时。因此,在理解他们定期食用的健康快餐菜单物品的千禧一代菜单评估方面存在差距。鉴于餐馆菜单会影响行为意图(Fakih等,2016),本文的目标是检查千禧一代对不同菜单选项的看法,以了解购买意图如何根据项目描述而更改:(1)健康的项目描述图像,(2)卡路里列表没有图像,(3)具有卡路里的健康图像。



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