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'It's Better Over There': How Spatial Distance Affects Consumers' Product Evaluation




There is increasing evidence showing that how marketers position product images in ads can alter processing and impact consumer perceptions. Conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff and Johnson 1980) provides a theoretical tenet in explaining how to influence consumers' product perceptions and attitudes. Drawing on the conceptual metaphor theory, researchers have discovered that the location of product image (Chae and Hoegg 2013; Chae, Li, and Zhu 2013; Elder and Krishna 2012) or in packaging design (Sundar and Noseworthy 2014) matters in influencing product attitudes. There is a saying in Chinese that "distance enhances beauty!' The implication is that people enjoying the beauty of nature, art and other aesthetic processes should maintain an appropriate distance. The other Chinese poem "It can be only appreciated distantly but not touched blasphemously" suggests that a certain distance makes something more valuable. Geert Hofstede invented the Power Distance Index to measure the extent to which the less powerful members of society, organizations, or institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequally (Zhang, Winterich and Mittal 2010). We propose that it could be advantageous to separate the product and the model by a greater distance, based on a different conceptual metaphor: "distance is worth."
机译:越来越多的证据表明,营销人员在广告中定位产品图像如何改变处理和影响消费者的感知。概念隐喻理论(Lakoff和Johnson 1980)在解释如何影响消费者的产品看法和态度方面提供了理论宗旨。在概念隐喻理论上,研究人员发现了产品形象的位置(Chae和Hoegg 2013; Chae,Li,Zhu 2013; Elder和Krishna 2012)或包装设计(Sundar和Foreworthy 2014)影响产品态度。中文有一个说法,“距离增强美容!”含义是享受自然,艺术和其他美学的美丽的人应保持适当的距离。另一首中国诗歌“它可以才能偏僻,但没有触摸亵渎”,表明一定的距离更有价值。Geert Hofstede发明了电力距离指数,以衡量社会,组织或机构的强大成员接受的程度,并预计权力是不平等的(Zhang,Winterich和Mittal 2010)。我们建议将产品分开可能是有利的并且模型通过较长的距离,基于不同的概念隐喻:“距离是值得的。”



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