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Building Brand Governance: A Small Company Study




The paper initiates a discussion about the role of relational norms, Selection, Solidarity, Flexibility, Information Exchange and Trust (Heide and John, 1992, Stephen and Coote, 2007) as brand governance mechanisms in entrepreneurial SME organizations (Heide and John, 1992; Wathne and Heide, 2004; Busco et al., 2006; Ind and Bjerke, 2007; Hatch and Schultz, 2010; Rondel et al, 2015; Renton and Richard, 2016). The paper's two major contributions are to investigate the role of relational norms in helping organisations socialize partners and to prepare the way for a quantitative study into the role of relational norms in brand driven SME organisations (Wathne and Heide, 2000). The lower architectural capability for value creation within SMEs (Renton and Richard, 2016) highlights an increased need for socialization with exchange partners and the sharing of brand related goals, a key aspect of Brand Governance (Hatch and Schutz, 2010). The context within which this study takes place is the engagement activities of SMEs which use Social Media (SM) platforms. We contribute to the SME and SM discussion by exploring the role of relational norms in facilitating socialization, brand governance and value creation in SME Social Media engagement contexts.
机译:本文启动有关的关系规范,选择,团结,灵活性,信息交流和信任(海德和约翰,1992年,斯蒂芬和库特,2007年)创业的中小企业组织(品牌治理机制海德和约翰,1992年的角色的讨论; Wathne和海德,2004;我正在寻找等,2006;工业和BJERKE,2007;哈奇和舒尔茨,2010;罗德尔等人,2015年,伦顿和理查德,2016)。本文的两大贡献是研究的关系规范,帮助组织中的作用社交的合作伙伴,并进行定量研究,探讨的关系规范的品牌带动中小企业组织(Wathne和海德,2000年)中的作用铺平道路。创造价值的中小企业(伦顿和理查德,2016)中的低架构能力凸显了社会需求的增加与交流的合作伙伴和品牌相关的目标共享,品牌管理(哈奇和舒茨,2010)的一个重要方面。在其中本研究发生的背景是中小企业的参与活动,利用社会媒体(SM)平台。我们通过探索的关系规范在促进中小企业社会化媒体参与的社会环境,品牌管理和价值创造中的作用有助于中小企业和SM讨论。



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