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A Habitus Divided? Exploring the Impact of Social Mobility on Habitus and Consumption




Bourdieu's theory of distinction is commonly applied to social mobility. Briefly, this theory works to explain how individuals draw boundaries between different social groups and compete to arrange them hierarchically. The currencies in this competition are social, economic, and cultural capital. Cultural capital can be objectified in consumption items, displayed through consumption behaviors and practices known as taste or embodied in the habitus. According to this theory, either upward or downward social mobility result in a divided habitus where individuals are forever caught between two competing habituses. For example, Bourdieu describes how upwardly-mobile students "continually desire reintegration into their community of origin but at the same time are also unable to fully assimilate into the elite" (Bourdieu 1998,107). However, others have suggested that social mobility is but one of many contradictions experienced, and that mobile individuals can pick and choose their habitus at will (Emmisson 2003; Lahire 2011), a position termed a strategic habitus .Both positions have received empirical support, raising two questions. First, does the experience of social mobility conform more closely to the idea of the divided habitus or strategic habitus? Second, what factors influence the outcome?
机译:Bourdieu的区别理论通常适用于社会流动性。简而言之,这种理论有助于解释个人如何在不同的社会群体之间吸取边界并竞争分层排列。这场比赛中的货币是社会,经济和文化资本。文化资本可以通过消费物品对客观描述,通过被称为味道或习惯体现的消费行为和实践显示。根据这个理论,向上或向下的社会流动导致分裂栖息地,其中个人永远在两个竞争的习惯之间捕获。例如,Bourdieu描述了上下移动学生如何“持续重新融入他们的原产地,但同时也无法完全融化进入精英”(Bourdieu 1998,107)。然而,其他人建议社会流动性只是经验丰富的许多矛盾之一,并且移动人员可以挑选和选择他们的习惯(Emmisson 2003; Lahire 2011),这一职位被称为战略栖息地。职位已经获得了实证支持,提出两个问题。首先,社会流动的经验更符合分割栖息地或战略习惯的想法吗?其次,影响结果是什么因素?



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