首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Education and Management >College English Teachers' Sense of Responsibility - a Research Based on Schlenker's Triangle Model of Responsibility

College English Teachers' Sense of Responsibility - a Research Based on Schlenker's Triangle Model of Responsibility

机译:大学英语教师的责任感 - 基于Schlenker三角形责任模型的研究



Teachers' sense of responsibility is one of the determinants of college English teaching. However, its importance has been overlooked by most of current researches, hence this topic is insufficiently studied. The Triangle Model of Responsibility proposed by Schlenker precisely forecasts and explores a participant's sense of responsibility. Based on the Model, this research maintains that, in college English teaching, teachers' sense of responsibility is determined by three factors: recognition of their identities as teachers, teaching regulations and teaching activities. And the Model also yields great implications for researches into college English teachers' sense of responsibility. People get used to exploring the connotation of "responsibility" from legal and moral perspectives. Similarly, college English teachers' "responsibility" can also be interpreted both legally and morally. The so-called legal responsibility refers to the obligations that teachers must perform as specified in laws and regulations. "Moral responsibility" indicates that college English teachers should not only play such roles as "gardeners" or "candles" defined by the society, but also must recognize teaching as "a profession" and observe restrictions on their behaviors in performing their professional duties. Setting "college English teachers' responsibility" at the moral respect, this research will mainly explore how to motivate and actualize college English teachers' sense of responsibility in their teaching practice.
机译:教师的责任感是大学英语教学的决定因素之一。然而,最新的研究已经忽视了其重要性,因此本主题研究不足。 Schlenker提出的三角形责任模型精确预测并探讨了参与者的责任感。基于该模型,本研究认为,在大学英语教学中,教师的责任感取决于三个因素:将其身份作为教师,教学法规和教学活动的认识。该模型还对大学英语教师责任感的研究产生了巨大影响。人们习惯于探索法律和道德观点的“责任”的内涵。同样,大学英语教师的“责任”也可以在法律和道德上被解释。所谓的法律责任是指教师必须按照法律法规所规定执行的义务。 “道德责任”表明,大学英语教师不仅应扮演社会所定义的“园丁”或“蜡烛”的角色,而且也必须认识到“专业”的教学,并遵守他们在执行其专业职责方面的行为的限制。设置“大学英语教师责任”在德语方面,这项研究主要探讨如何激励和实现大学英语教师在教学实践中的责任感。



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