首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society >The Connotations of 'Russian' in Music of Foreign Composers on 'a Russian Theme'

The Connotations of 'Russian' in Music of Foreign Composers on 'a Russian Theme'




"Russian" seems to foreign composers very diverse in meaning. It is treated as designation of the state and is identified with the Russian Federation, it is interpreted as display of public and private life of the Russian acquiring "ethnographic" meaning, and it is consumed as concentrated in Orthodox religion and is marked as "confessional". Among the means of attribution of "Russian", the most reliable is the clarifying and explaining program title and citation of specific musical material of both folklore and authors, functioning in society as nameless folklore. A review of numerous examples of the implementation of the "Russian theme" by foreign composers in their music shows sufficient flexibility, and vagueness of the geographical and ethnic boundaries of the "Russian".
机译:“俄罗斯”似乎对外国作曲家的意义非常多样化。 它被视为国家的指定,并与俄罗斯联邦确定的,被解释为俄罗斯获取“民族造影”意义的公共和私生活的展示,它被集中在正统宗教中,被称为“忏悔” “。 在“俄语”的归属手段中,最可靠的是澄清和解释民间传说和作者特定音乐材料的计划标题和引用,在社会中运作为无名民间传说。 在他们的音乐中对外国作曲家的“俄罗斯主题”的众多例子进行了综述,表现出足够的灵活性,“俄罗斯”的地理和族裔界限。



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