
The Importance of Copying in Basic Teaching of Sculpture




Since the 20th century, copying has been weakened in the teaching of Chinese art, especially in sculpture teaching. Too much emphasis on sketching makes the learning process long and complicated. Teaching is an organized activity of transferring cultural knowledge, through which the process of human cognition can be greatly shortened. Copying, as an effective means of art teaching, has played an important role in art education in the East and West. Through copying, students can learn from the excellent skills of predecessors, find a pattern suitable for their own personality, control and grasp the changing visual world. Specialization of objects on the basis of generalization provides a modified basis for the development of technology.
机译:自20世纪以来,在中国艺术教学中,复制被削弱,特别是在雕塑教学中。 太多强调素描使得学习过程长而复杂。 教学是一项转移文化知识的有组织的活动,通过该活动,人类认知过程可以大大缩短。 复制作为一种有效的艺术教学手段,在东部和西部的艺术教育中发挥了重要作用。 通过复制,学生可以从前辈的优秀技能中学习,找到一种适合自己个性,控制和掌握变化的视觉世界的模式。 基于泛化的物体专业化为技术的发展提供了修改的基础。



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