首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society >A New Approach for Dialogue in the Post-American Era: Telling Chinese Stories with Cultural Confidence

A New Approach for Dialogue in the Post-American Era: Telling Chinese Stories with Cultural Confidence




The arrival of the post-American era means the end of American global hegemony, the reshaping of international order, and the pluralistic participation in global governance. And when the world structure changes, it is also the time for China to reshape its international image. Therefore, in the post-American era, China should change its external communication methods, change its narrative method, and adopt the path of "telling Chinese stories" to convey China's voice. This article takes "storytelling" as the core, and explains how to shape the China's image with a strong belief in cultural confidence starting from the listener of the story, the content of the story, the discourse of the story, and the speaker of the story. The maximization of the effect of external communication in the narrative will help construct the external image of China's peaceful rise.
机译:美洲后时代的到来是指美国全球霸权的结束,国际秩序的重塑,以及多元化的全球治理。 当世界结构发生变化时,中国也是中国重塑其国际形象的时间。 因此,在美国后时代,中国应改变其外部通信方法,改变其叙述方法,采用“讲述中国故事”的路径来传达中国的声音。 本文将“讲故事”作为核心,并解释了如何塑造中国的形象,在故事的倾听者,故事内容,故事的话语和演讲者的讲话者中,如何塑造中国的形象。 故事。 叙述中外部通信效果的最大化将有助于构建中国和平崛起的外部形象。



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