
Academic Freedom and Contemporary Universities




The article analyses the evolution of the notion "Academic freedom" (AF) from the Middle Ages to the present times. "Academic freedoms" were known in Bologna University and Sorbonne in Paris in 12-14 centuries, but their meaning was not the same that we percept nowadays. AF included at those times rights and privileges of university professors, students and sometimes their families. It was provision of financial support and protection provided by Roman Catholic Church, or later - governments of European lands. AF has changed its meaning in the beginning of the 19th century. V. Fon Humboldt reconsidered the notion of AF, and since then we have understood AF as the freedom to think independently, freedom of scientific search and freedom to choose university courses for students. This meaning is reflected in many documents of academic associations and organizations, such as Magna Charta Universitatum, American Association of University Professors (AAUP) and particular universities. Academic freedom in our modern understanding was an initial value for universities of highly developing industrial world. The article shows that now Academic freedom is in the crisis, but the main reason of its crisis is global economic crisis, new requirements to universities and higher education in a modern globalized world.
机译:文章分析了从中世纪的“学术自由”(AF)的概念的演变。 “学术自由”在12-14世纪的巴黎博洛尼亚大学和Sorbonne中闻名,但他们的意思与我们现在的意义不一样。 AF包括大学教授,学生和有时家人的大学教授的权利和特权。它提供由罗马天主教会提供的财政支持和保护,或欧洲土地的后期政府提供。 AF在19世纪初改变了意义。 V. Fon Humboldt重新考虑了AF的概念,从那时起,我们已经理解了自由的自由,科学搜救自由和选择学生选择大学课程。这种含义反映在众多学术协会和组织的文件中,例如Magna Charta大学,美国大学教授(AAUP)和特定大学协会。我们现代理解的学术自由是高度发展的工业世界的初始价值。本文显示,现在学术自由在危机中,但其危机的主要原因是全球经济危机,在现代全球化世界中对大学和高等教育的新要求。



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