首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Humanities Science, Management and Education Technology >Rigorous and Appropriate: On Zhou Jianxin's Translation of Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson (Poems 301-600)

Rigorous and Appropriate: On Zhou Jianxin's Translation of Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson (Poems 301-600)

机译:严格恰当:关于Zhou Jianxin的Emily Dickinson所选诗歌的翻译(Poems 301-600)



The controversy on form similarity and spirit similarity, as well as on pursuit of truth and pursuit of beauty have always existed in China translation field. It is controversial for translators on whether translation should first of all be similar in form or in spirit, and whether translator should first seek truth or beauty. In fact, form similarity and spirit similarity, and pursuit of truth and pursuit of beauty are not two extremes of incompatibility like water and fire, nor are they two opposites. With an eye on relationship between "form similarity" and "spirit similarity," and between pursuit of truth and pursuit of beauty, Mr. Zhou Jianxin's translation of Dickinson's poems is to be analyzed to illustrate his translation style and characteristics.



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