首页> 外文会议>Workshop on Risk and Crisis Communication for Disaster Prevention and Management >Socio-cultural factors of risk and crisis communication: Risk cultures - or why people respond differently to disasters

Socio-cultural factors of risk and crisis communication: Risk cultures - or why people respond differently to disasters

机译:风险与危机沟通的社会文化因素:风险文化 - 或者人们为什么人们对灾害不同



Culturally-bounded assumptions and conventions strongly influence how communities make sense of risks and hazards and how these communities consider some ways of dealing with disasters more appropriate than others. By analysing differences and similarities in how ordinary people perceive and interpret disasters, as well as to whom the responsibility for risk prevention and crisis management is attributed, in seven European countries, three specific ideal types of risk cultures emerged: state-oriented risk culture, individual-oriented risk culture and fatalistic risk culture. The characteristics of this approach will be presented and a new model for socio-cultural sensitive crisis communication suggested.



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