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Language and Cultural Analysis of Restaurant Names - Take Xinxiang City Restaurant as an example

机译:餐厅名称的语言与文化分析 - 以新乡市为例



The name of the shop as a social phenomenon, is no longer a simple business activity of a sign, it is a cultural implication. Restaurant name as a language application form, reflects the social culture. There are connotations, there are characteristics of the restaurant name can attract the attention of consumers, bring more economic benefits. From the perspective of language culture dining restaurant name, can reflect the name of the language, cultural psychology and other content. This paper takes the names of 360 restaurants in Xinxiang as the research objects, classifies them from the aspects of the phonetic characteristics, structural features, writing characteristics and cultural connotations of the restaurant name, and tries to find out the commonness and characteristics of the restaurant name and analyze its language and culture Inheritance and use.



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