首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Education, Management, Information and Mechanical Engineering >Cultivation of the Innovative Ability Students in Mechanical Engineering with Subject Competition and outcome-based Education

Cultivation of the Innovative Ability Students in Mechanical Engineering with Subject Competition and outcome-based Education




The subject competition of college students is an important carrier for the cultivation of innovative talent. It has a unique effect on cultivating students' innovation ability, improving teaching quality and promoting teaching reform in universities. In this paper, On the basis of comprehensively summarizing mechanical discipline competition experience in Suzhou University of Science and Technology, and combined with the Outcomes-based education, the training mode of mechanical majors discipline competition mechanism and innovation ability is explored, and the effective way to cultivate the innovative talents of college students is pointed out.
机译:大学生的主题竞争是培养创新人才的重要承运人。 它对培养学生的创新能力,提高教学质量和促进大学教学改革的独特影响。 本文在全面总结苏州科技大学机械学科竞争经验的基础上,结合了基于成果的教育,探索了机械专业课程竞争机制和创新能力的培训模式,有效的方式 为了培养大学生的创新人才被指出。



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