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Analysis of Corrections Methods in Genome-Wide Association Studies




Genome wide association study (GWAS) can directly study the relationship between human behavior and genotype, which provides a new way for researchers to explore the genetic basis of human behavior from the whole genome level. GWAS involves a large number of sites and behavior of the association test, so we must use multiple correction to control the overall false. Although there are a variety of correction methods to choose from, but the applicability of different correction methods in GWAS research is still lack of systematic research, which makes the choice of multiple correction methods in GWAS lack of theoretical and empirical basis. GWAS commonly used in the correction method is based on the family-wise error rate (FWER) standard Bonferroni correction method, Holm regression adjustment method, permutation test method and false detection rate (FDR) standard BH method. In this paper, the principle and process of the 4 kinds of multiple correction methods are described in detail. A simulation method of GWAS data is presented. The results show that the first 3 methods based on FWER are very small, they are the most stringent control of false, but the number of bits of the real association is significantly lower than the FDR based BH method. Independent data, the BH reported by the SNPs method has the highest rate of interpretation, that is, compared with other methods, the BH method better balance the false and hit. The BH method can be used to correct the results in future studies.
机译:基因组宽协会研究(GWAs)可以直接研究人类行为和基因型之间的关系,为研究人员提供了一种从整个基因组水平探索人类行为的遗传基础的新方法。 GWAS涉及大量站点和关联测试的行为,因此我们必须使用多种校正来控制整体假。虽然有各种校正方法可供选择,但不同校正方法在GWAS研究中的适用性仍然缺乏系统的研究,这使得GWAS缺乏理论和经验基础的多种校正方法的选择。校正方法常用的GWA是基于家庭明智的错误率(FWER)标准Bonferroni校正方法,HOLM回归调整方法,排列测试方法和假检测率(FDR)标准BH方法。在本文中,详细描述了4种多校正方法的原理和过程。提出了一种GWAS数据的模拟方法。结果表明,基于FWER的前3种方法非常小,它们是最严格的假的错误,但实际关联的比特数明显低于FDR基于FDR的BH方法。独立数据,SNPS方法报告的BH具有最高的解释率,即与其他方法相比,BH方法更好地平衡虚假和击中。 BH方法可用于纠正未来研究的结果。



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