
Determine the best Boundary Shape of Toll Plaza

机译:确定Toll Plaza的最佳边界形状



With the socio-economic development, people's travel rate has greatly improved. Congestion problems and security issues of High-speed junction toll station have become increasingly prominent. A barrier toll is a row of tollbooths placed across the highway, which charges for the vehicles. A toll plaza covers the area of fan-in zone, fan-out zone and the toll barrier itself, aiming at facilitating the fee collection procedure. The shape of the barrier toll and the layout of it will influence the throughput, accident prevention and cost to a great extent. This paper tries to design the most optimal toll plaza by using the model of Multi - objective programming taking toll plaza's shape, size and merging pattern as planning objectives.
机译:随着社会经济的发展,人们的旅行率大大提高。 高速交叉路口收费站的拥堵问题和安全问题变得越来越突出。 障碍通行费是跨越高速公路的连续行驶,这对车辆充电。 Toll Plaza涵盖了扇形区域,扇出区和收费屏障本身,旨在促进收费程序。 屏障收费的形状和它的布局将在很大程度上影响吞吐量,事故预防和成本。 本文试图通过使用乘坐Toll Plaza的形状,大小和合并模式作为规划目标来设计最佳的Toll Plaza。



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