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Prospects for the Development of Digital Economy in the Region: Study on the Example of the Voronezh Region




The upcoming digital transformation of the Russian economy requires the subjects of the Russian Federation to create comprehensive conditions for the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies in order to ensure effective interaction of the economic, social and cultural spheres. Based on the author's methodology for calculating the Digital Russia index, the digitalization level of the subjects of the Central Black Earth region is investigated. Based on the results of the assessment, an in-depth analysis of the digital development level of the Voronezh region was carried out; the specificity of the regional potential was identified in terms of prospects for overcoming the backlog, for which the formation of an IT cluster was proposed. A number of measures are proposed to eliminate imbalances in the ratio of the levels of the Digital Russia sub-indices in the Voronezh region, which can be implemented within the framework of the information technology cluster.
机译:即将举行的俄罗斯经济的转型需要俄罗斯联邦的主题为广泛引入信息和通信技术创造综合条件,以确保经济,社会和文化领域的有效互动。 基于作者的计算数码俄罗斯指数的方法,研究了中央黑土地区的主题的数字化水平。 根据评估结果,进行了对Voronezh地区的数字发展水平的深入分析; 在克服积压的前景方面确定了区域潜力的特殊性,提出了it群集的形成。 提出了许多措施来消除Voronezh地区数码俄罗斯子指数的比率中的不平衡,可以在信息技术集群的框架内实现。



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