首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Economics, Management, Law and Education >The Effect of Industrial Agglomeration on Financial Performances of an Enterprise: Based on Electrical Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing

The Effect of Industrial Agglomeration on Financial Performances of an Enterprise: Based on Electrical Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing




An industrial cluster is an economic organization which, owning unique characteristics, is classified as per region and product type and studied by many subjects. The specialized work division and collaboration between individuals in clusters will help cluster-based enterprises break through the limitations in size and strength that single enterprise faces in funds flow and operations, enabling enterprises to lower costs and optimize the funds flow and further perfecting financial performance of the enterprises. Based on industrial clusters of electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, the article selects indicators to measure the industrial agglomeration and that for proper financial performance, with correlation and regression analysis applied to analyze the effect of industrial agglomeration of electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing on the industry-related financial performances in enterprises in order to make sure of the positive correlation between spatial Gini coefficient of centralized resources allocation and financial performance of an enterprise in clusters. In most cases, the financial performance of an enterprise in the clusters is subject to by the whole progress of the industrial cluster.
机译:产业集群是一个经济组织,其拥有独特的特征,被归类为每个地区和产品类型,并由许多科目学习。集群中个人的专业化部门和合作将帮助基于集群的企业突破单一企业面临资金流动和运营的规模和力量的局限性,使企业降低成本并优化资金流动以及进一步完善的财务表现企业。基于电机和设备制造业的产业集群,文章选择指标测量工业集聚,并且对于适当的财务性能,具有相关性和回归分析,适用于分析工业集聚对行业的工业集聚作用 - 企业相关财务表演,以确保集群中企业集中资源分配与财务绩效的阳性相关性。在大多数情况下,集群中企业的财务表现受工业集群的整体进步。



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