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The Interplay between Meta-cognitive Strategies and Reading Speed




The aim of this study was to investigate the interplay between meta-cognitive strategies and reading speed in Chinese EFL learners. This paper employed the method of empirical research, and randomly selected 87 Chinese students from a university in Jilin province as the survey objects. 87 Chinese EFL learners aged from 19 to 22 years who were enrolled in the required English class participated in this study. Questionnaire related to students' meta-cognitive strategy was administered and a reading comprehension test was to evaluate students' reading speed. The correlation coefficient was used to analyze the data. Results have shown that there is a positive relationship between students' meta-cognitive strategy use and reading speed. In terms of meta-strategy categories, the three groups of reading speed showed the same priority of strategy use in the reading speed test. The findings indicate that the strategy use functions as the predictor of the learners' reading proficiency level.
机译:本研究的目的是调查中国EFL学习者元认知策略与阅读速度之间的相互作用。本文采用了经验研究的方法,并随机选择了吉林省大学的87名中国学生作为调查对象。 87名中国EFL学习者从19到22岁的学习者注册的英语课程参加了这项研究。管理与学生的元认知策略相关的调查问卷,阅读理解考试是评估学生的阅读速度。相关系数用于分析数据。结果表明,学生的元认知策略使用和阅读速度之间存在积极的关系。就元策略类别而言,三组阅读速度显示了在阅读速度测试中的策略使用优先级。调查结果表明,战略使用职能作为学习者阅读熟练程度的预测因素。



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