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NJOY21: Making NJOY Suitable for the 21~(st) Century




NJOY has a long history of nuclear data processing. NJOY began as a successor to MINX (Multigroup Interpretation of Nuclear X-Sections), a Los Alamos code and was first publicly released in the summer of 1977. The initial version included modules such as RECONR for resonance reconstruction on a union energy grid, BROADR for Doppler broadening plus a new Multigroup averaging program, GROUPR and an associated output module, DTR. Soon thereafter the HEATR, ERRORR, and THERMR modules were added to NJOY. By the mid 1980s, NJOY had a worldwide user community. The current version of NJOY2012 was released in December 2012. NJOY2012 builds on the success of more than 45 years of nuclear data processing at Los Alamos National Laboratory. NJOY2012 was rewritten using Fortran 90/95, utilizing among other things the concepts of public and private variables, eliminating common blocks in lieu of Fortran modules and taking advantage of allocatable arrays. A new version of NJOY is being developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory; NJOY21: NJOY for the 21st Century. NJOY21 uses modern programming standards of quality, reliability, and maintainability. It is being designed from the ground up to utilize modern methods of interacting with computer codes by providing an interactive and scripting (e.g., Python) interface. This will allow scientists the ability to more easily work with the results of the various steps in the processing of nuclear data. NJOY21 will continue the legacy of NJOY by providing a trusted and verified processing code that is fast, flexible, easy to use and customize and capable of handling both modern and established nuclear data formats. This paper introduces NJOY21 by first relating the history of NJOY; the majority of the paper will discuss NJOY21. NJOY21 will take advantage of the many decades of nuclear data processing experience that is contained in NJOY2012 and previous versions of NJOY and extend the capabilities and convenience of processing nuclear data. We will discuss how NJOY21 will remain backwards compatible with NJOY2012--i.e., how current NJOY2012 input decks will continue to work with NJOY21. We will also discuss the verification and validation of the NJOY21 code base. Finally we will discuss new features in NJOY21 that do not exist in NJOY2012. These features include changes in how a scientist can interact with NJOY to process and verify and validate nuclear data; and the ability to read and write new nuclear data formats.
机译:njoy历史悠久的核数据处理。 Njoy是作为Minx的继承人(Multigroup对核X部分的Multigroup解释),一个LOS Alamos代码,并于1977年夏天公开发布。初始版本包括在Union Energy Grid上重组谐振重建,Broadr对于多普勒扩大加上新的MultiGroup平均程序,GROUPR和相关的输出模块DTR。此后,此后很快就加入了HEATR,ERROR和THERRR模块。到20世纪80年代中期,NJOY有一个全球用户社区。当前版本的NJOY2012于2012年12月发布。NJOY2012在Los Alamos国家实验室的核数据处理中建立了超过45年的成功。 NJOY2012使用FORTRAN 90/95重写,利用公共和私人变量的概念,消除普通块代替FORTRAN模块并利用可分配的阵列。在Los Alamos国家实验室开发了一个新版本的NJOY; NJOY21:21世纪的NJOY。 NJOY21采用现代编程标准的质量,可靠性和可维护性。它是从地面设计的,以利用通过提供交互式和脚本(例如Python)接口来利用与计算机代码的现代方法。这将允许科学家能够更容易地使用核数据处理中各种步骤的结果。 NJOY21将通过提供快速,灵活,易用和定制和定制和能够处理现代和建立的核数据格式的可信和验证的处理代码来继续遗产。本文首先介绍了NJOY21的NJOY历史;大多数论文将讨论NJOY21。 NJOY21将利用NJOY2012中包含的数十年的核数据处理经验和以前版本的NJOY,并扩展了处理核数据的能力和便利性。我们将讨论NJOY21如何保持与NJOY2012 - I.E兼容的NJOY21。,NJOY2012输入甲板将如何继续使用NJOY21。我们还将讨论NJOY21代码库的验证和验证。最后,我们将讨论NJOY21中不存在的新功能,这些功能在NJOY2012中不存在。这些功能包括改变科学家如何与NJOY进行交互以处理和验证和验证核数据;以及读写新的核数据格式的能力。



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