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MALL and second language teaching: Challenges for initial teacher education




A vast body of research has been exploring the effectiveness of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in second language teaching and encouraging the incorporation of MALL into pedagogical practice (Ba?rcena, E. et al 2015, Kukulska-Hulme et al. 2015). Paradoxically, however, pre-service teachers tend to be unfamiliar with the benefits of using of mobile devices in language teaching and learning. Thus continued exposure to mobile-enhanced lessons is essential to the development of effective mobile-based tasks by pre-service teachers (Kevin et al. 2011). Considering that Initial Teacher Education is essential for shaping positive attitudes towards mobile technologies, this study aims to investigate how to best integrate MALL into Initial Teacher Education programs for second language teachers at the University of Coimbra. The goal of our study will be a) to prompt pre-service teachers to reflect on their use of mobile technologies (Kevin et. al. 2011), b) to engage pre-service teachers in effective mobile-learning activities (Hockly 2013) and c) to encourage lesson planning skills within recently developed mobile-enhanced pedagogical frameworks (Kukulska-Hulme et. al. 2015). In this paper, we describe our study and provide an outline of the phases that will be implemented, drawing implications about the challenges of mobile-learning for Initial Teacher Education in Portugal. While our study addresses primarily the needs identified through our contact with pre-service teachers of English, our discussion is also applicable to other content areas.
机译:庞大的研究一直在探索移动辅助语言学习(商场)在第二语言教学中的有效性,并鼓励商场进入教学实践(BA?rcena,E.等,2015,Kukulska-Hulme等。2015) 。然而,矛盾的教师往往不熟悉使用移动设备在语言教学和学习中的益处。因此,通过预先服务教师开发有效的移动基础任务(Kevin等,2011),继续接触移动增强的课程至关重要。考虑到初始教师教育对于塑造积极态度的对移动技术来说,这项研究旨在调查如何最佳地将商城整合到辛布拉大学的第二语言教师的初始教师教育方案。我们研究的目标是a)提示促进售前教师,以反映其使用移动技术(Kevin等人.1111),b)以有效的移动学习活动(2013年Hockly 2013)参与服务前教师c)鼓励课程规划技能在最近开发的移动增强的教学框架中(Kukulska-hulme等。2015年)。在本文中,我们描述了我们的研究,并提供将实施的阶段的概要,介绍葡萄牙初始教师教育的移动学习挑战。虽然我们的学习地址主要是通过我们与与服务前英语教师联系确定的需求,但我们的讨论也适用于其他内容领域。



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