首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Mechatronics, Computer and Education Informationization >The Analysis of the Difference of Land-use Landscape Patterns between the Jinsha River Dry-hot Valley and the Redbed of Middle Yunnan Province-Based on the Typical Basins of the Redbed of Middle Yunan Province

The Analysis of the Difference of Land-use Landscape Patterns between the Jinsha River Dry-hot Valley and the Redbed of Middle Yunnan Province-Based on the Typical Basins of the Redbed of Middle Yunan Province

机译:金沙河干热山谷土地利用景观格局差异分析 - 基于云南省中云钨典型盆地



The landscape patterns of the current land-use on the redbed of middle Yunnan province Was studied in this paper. Based on the landscape pattern index and the spatial analysis technics ArcGIS 10.0, the landscape patterns of the land-use on the redbed of middle Yunnan province was analyzed, and the difference of the landscape patterns of the land-use between the Jinsha River dry-hot valley and the redbed of middle Yunan Province was discussed. The results indicated that: (1) Forest, the dominant landscape, occupied 53.6031% of the redbed of middle Yunnan province, followed by cultivated land; (2) The obvious spatial differential of landscape patterns between the Jinsha River dry-hot valley and the redbed of middle Yunnan province did exist. The basins in the Jinsha river dry-hot valley showed the low SHDI, SHEI, and high CONT, DI; (3) The basins on the redbed of middle Yunnan province showed the high SHDI, SHEI, and low CONT, DI; (4) The fragmentation index of the basins on the redbed of middle Yunnan province were higher, indicating that human activities showed a significant positive correlation with the fragmentation of landscape.
机译:本文研究了云南省中期红床土地使用的景观格局。基于景观格局指数和空间分析技术ArcGIS 10.0,分析了云南省中雷床土地使用的景观格局,以及金沙河干燥之间土地利用景观格局的差异 - 讨论了热谷和云南中部的红床。结果表明:(1)森林,主导景观,占云南省中东郡雷姆的53.6031%,其次是耕地; (2)金沙河干热山谷景观图案的明显空间差异,存在云南省中云层省。金沙河干热山谷的盆地显示出低世纪,浅滩,高续,二; (3)云南省中东省山水盆地展示了高世纪,Shei,低续,DI; (4)云南省中云净盆地的碎片指数较高,表明人类活动与景观碎片显示出显着的正相关。



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