
On the Writing of 'Chinese lover' in Duras's Novels




Marguerite Duras created The Sea Wall, The Lover and The North China Lover at different times of her life, In these three novels, the "Chinese lover" presents a different image, evolving from the ugliness, obscenity and wretch of Mr. Nor into a handsome, elegant and confident new image which is the cognition and description of China's cultural reality in different historical period from 1950's to 1990's by the author. Restricted and limited by the stipulations of collective imagination belonging in the French culture, Duras also reveals the evolution of her own emotional trajectory. Consequently, Duras always attempts to beautify love experience in real life, which motivates the changed emotion of the "Chinese lover".
机译:Marguerite Duras在她生命中的不同时间创造了海墙,情人和北方情人,在这三个小说中,“中国情人”呈现出不同的形象,从丑陋,淫秽和先生的可怜的方式演变也是 英俊,优雅和自信的新形象,这是中国文化现实在1950年代到1990年代的文化现实的认知和描述。 受到法国文化的集体想象力规定的限制和限制,杜拉斯也揭示了她自己的情绪轨迹的演变。 因此,杜拉斯总是试图美化现实生活中的爱情经验,这激励了“中国情人”的变化情感。



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