首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research >Cultivation of Graduate innovative talents from the Perspective of internationalization -Taking the discipline of Control Science and Engineering as an example

Cultivation of Graduate innovative talents from the Perspective of internationalization -Taking the discipline of Control Science and Engineering as an example

机译:从国际化视角下培养研究生创新人才 - 控制科学与工程学科



With the trend of globalization of economic development, the competition of various countries in the world is more and more reflected in the competition for talents. It has become the consensus of the development of higher education in various countries to cultivate the top innovative talents with international competitive ability. This puts forward higher requirements for the cultivation of modern high-level talents, and also faces challenges in the development trend of internationalization and the cultivation of talents. This paper introduces some practice and exploration of the training of innovative talents in international teaching in Harbin Engineering University Automation College. The research is carried out from the aspects of curriculum system, construction of teaching staff, international exchange platform, and so on. The practical ways of cultivating innovative talents for graduate students in this major are put forward.



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