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To Build Open Community and Cluster Closed-unit under the Circumstance of Land Unit Use




Reflection on China's residential area. We will see the hierarchical land use model of residential areas - residential unit - housing cluster development. According to present and future needs, we face the problem between transportation and land use in urban area as follows: urban traffic microcirculation problems, lack of urban public space, functional fragmentation isolation, and land use inefficiency. Considering old city renewal we still use outdated and obsolete thinking methods. In the context of green space revitalization in old urban areas, how to deal with the new demand of urban space changes, how to break through the traditional construction methods, how to abandon "the bigger the better" erroneous thinking, how to avoid isolation between land units. how to reduce wasteful and low functional landscape in residential area. We will adapt to sharing networking, communicating model to reorganize the urban land use units and to shape dynamic streets and places.
机译:对中国住宅区的思考。我们将看到住宅区的分层土地利用模式 - 住宅单元 - 住房集群开发。根据现在的需求和未来的需求,我们面临着城市地区的运输和土地利用之间的问题如下:城市交通微循环问题,缺乏城市公共空间,功能性碎片隔离和土地利用效率低下。考虑到旧城市更新,我们仍然使用过时和过时的思维方法。在旧城区的绿地空间振兴的背景下,如何应对城市空间的新需求,如何突破传统的施工方法,如何放弃“更大”的错误思维,如何避免孤立之间土地单位。如何减少住宅区的浪费和低功能景观。我们将适应共享网络,沟通模型,重新组织城市土地使用单位并塑造动态街道和地方。



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