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Religious building collapses: The heavy price of short cuts in places of worship and pilgrimage site construction.




South Africa is a highly pluralistic and religious society with the majority of the populace embracing either Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, or Judaism as their religion. The rationale for the study was to determine if faith-based organisations took the health and safety needs of their members into account when constructing buildings for religious purposes. Research had shown that religion gives human existence meaning and purpose. Religion allows people to transcend everyday reality. This study reports information collected through questionnaires and interviews with religious leaders. An issue-based risk assessment was also conducted on some buildings owned by faith-based organisations. The study showed that more often than not, health and safety issues were relegated to the background in the construction of new religious structures. It became obvious that these buildings had been constructed out of spiritual expediency, not for ensuring members' health and safety. There is a belief across all religious groups that prayer is the best medicine and God is the best doctor. These spiritual arguments are justified by various scriptural references, for example Psalm 127:1 "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it." [8]. God is held responsible for health and safety of members through his providence. The research findings revealed that a number of religious leaders were grossly ignorant of health and safety issues affecting their members; and of relevant pieces of legislation on health and safety in South Africa. A disconcerting finding was the lack of safety management system to manage health and safety hazards and risks, across all religious groups. The research also revealed the need for safety inspections at religious building; and enforcement of laws and by-laws at faith-based religious sites.
机译:南非是一个高度多元化和宗教社会,拥有大多数民众,拥有基督教,印度教,伊斯兰教或犹太教作为他们的宗教。该研究的理由是确定基于信心的组织是否在为宗教目的构建建筑物时考虑到其成员的健康和安全需求。研究表明,宗教赋予人类存在的意义和目的。宗教允许人们在日常的现实中超越。本研究报告了通过问卷调查和与宗教领袖采访收集的信息。还在基于信仰的组织拥有的一些建筑物上进行了基于问题的风险评估。该研究表明,在建设新宗教结构的背景下,越来越常见,健康和安全问题被降级。显而易见的是,这些建筑已经摆脱了精神权宜之计,而不是为了确保成员的健康和安全。对所有宗教团体都有一种信念,祷告是最好的药,上帝是最好的医生。这些精神争论是由各种经文引用的合理的,例如诗篇127:1“除主建筑物建造房子,他们努力建立它。” [8]。通过他的普罗维登斯对成员的健康和安全负责,上帝负责。研究结果表明,一些宗教领袖对影响其成员的健康和安全问题非常敏感;南非健康与安全立法的相关立法。令人讨厌的发现是缺乏安全管理系统,以管理所有宗教团体的健康和安全危害和风险。该研究还揭示了宗教建筑安全检查的必要性;并在基于信仰的宗教场所执法法律和律法。



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