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AMP Projects Emergency Closure Gates – A Design Perspective

机译:AMP项目紧急关闭门 - 设计视角



Four hydroelectric projects, owned by AMP (American Municipal Power, Inc.), are currently under various stages of construction on the Ohio River, which jointly comprise the current largest new hydroelectric development in the United States. Each of these projects has almost similar low head generating unit layout, using bulb turbines, which places the emergency closure gates (to protect the units against runaway) on the downstream side of the units instead of such gates’ conventional upstream location. The downstream location has helped reduce the size of the gates substantially, while, at the same time, also protecting the bulb of the turbine from water jet emanating from the bottom of an upstream located gate, when operated against flow. Still, each of the emergency closure gates is fairly large in size, approximately 37-ft. by 37-ft. Each gate is a fixed wheel type, capable of gravity closure against flow, operated by a submersible hydraulic cylinder. The special features of these emergency closure gates include the following: 1. Their large size, especially the width. 2. Circular openings in the web plates of gate’s horizontal beams to accommodate the hydraulic cylinder barrel, as the gate moves up, to minimize the total height of the gate/cylinder assembly; this will maintain the operating cylinders mostly within the powerhouse concrete, protecting them from the seasonal floods that inundate these powerhouses. 3. Seal against water pressure from headwater side as well as tail-water side. 4. Each gate’s bottom and embedded sill beam are shaped trapezoidal to be close to the circular profile of the water conduit at the location of the gate bottom. 5. Provision of a flushing system to flush trash that may accumulate at the corners of the gate sill, before the gates are closed. 6. Use of environment friendly hydraulic fluid. 7. Gates fabricated and shipped in sections for assembly in the field. The paper describes the above features and relevant explanations.
机译:由AMP(American Municipal Power,Inc。)拥有的四个水力资料目前正在俄亥俄州河上的各个阶段,该阶段共同组成了目前美国最大的新水力发电开发。这些项目中的每一个具有几乎相似的低头发电单元布局,使用灯泡涡轮机,其将紧急闭合门(以保护单元保护单位抵抗失控),而不是这样的门的传统上游位置。下游位置有助于基本上减小栅极的尺寸,而同时也是在操作抵抗流动时从上游所定位栅极的底部保护涡轮机的灯泡。尽管如此,每个紧急闭合门的尺寸相当大,约为37英尺。达到37英尺。每个浇口是固定轮式,能够通过潜水液压缸操作的流量闭合。这些紧急闭合门的特殊功能包括以下内容:1。它们的尺寸大,尤其是宽度。 2.当闸门向上移动时,栅极水平梁的栅极板中的栅极板以容纳液压缸桶,以最小化栅极/气缸组件的总高度;这将使运行缸大多在动力室混凝土内,保护它们免受季节性洪水淹没这些动力屋的洪水。 3.密封从头水侧的水压以及尾水侧。 4.每个浇口的底部和嵌入式梁梁是靠近栅极底部位置的水导管的圆形轮廓的成形梯形。 5.在门关闭之前,提供冲洗系统以冲洗垃圾,该垃圾在门槛的角落里累积。 6.使用环境友好的液压液。 7.盖茨在田间组装的部分制造和运输。本文介绍了上述功能和相关的解释。



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