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Design Innovations and Lessons Learned from 8 Hydro Facilities Recently Constructed in BC, Canada




This presentation will cover the design innovations and lessons learned from the detailed design and construction of 8 run of river hydroelectric projects recently constructed in British Columbia, Canada. These 8 facilities make up two major private sector developments that were awarded energy purchase agreements by BC Hydro in an open call for clean energy. These two projects are the 235 MW East Toba & Montrose projects, owned by Alterra Power & GE, and the 153 MW Kwalsa and Upper Stave projects, owned by Cloudworks Energy Inc. & Innergex. The two groups of projects included 8 individual run‐of‐river projects with installed capacities ranging from 18 MW to 147 MW and heads ranging from 102 m to over 580 m. Peter Kiewit Infrastructure Co. was awarded separate EPC Contracts for the design and construction of the two groups of projects and Knight Piesold Ltd. was appointed the Design Engineer for both contracts. The design of the projects presented many challenges in some extreme climates that resulted in several innovative solutions: run‐of‐river diversion weirs and intakes incorporating inflatable rubber dams, vortex de‐sanders and Coanda screens for sediment exclusion and flood passage; hydraulic model testing of selected intakes; buried Weholite low pressure conduits; buried steel penstocks up to 3.76 m in diameter using soil restraint to eliminate expensive concrete anchor blocks; surface mounted penstocks on steep rock cuts; surface powerhouses incorporating horizontal Francis and vertical multi‐jet Pelton type turbine generator units; sophisticated flow measuring and flow ramping protocols; and fisheries compensation measures.
机译:本演示文稿将涵盖从加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省最近建造的8次河流水电项目的详细设计和建设中汲取的设计创新和经验教训。这8个设施弥补了两个主要的私营部门开发,该开发是通过BC Hydro获得的能源购买协议,以便清洁能源。这两个项目是由Alterra Power&GE拥有的235 MW East Toba&Montrose项目,由CloudWorks Energy Inc.&Innergex拥有的153 MW Kwalsa和上级项目。这两组项目包括8个单独的河流项目,安装的安装能力从18兆瓦到147兆瓦,头部从102米到超过580米。 Peter Kiewit Infrastructure Co.被授予单独的EPC合同,为两组项目和Knight Piesold Ltd.的设计和建设被任命为两组合同的设计工程师。该项目的设计在一些极端气候中提出了许多挑战,导致了几种创新解决方案:河流导流堰和进气件,采用充气橡胶坝,涡旋去砂光机和码头屏幕的探索排除和洪水通道;选定摄入量的液压模型测试;埋藏了Wholite低压导管;使用土壤克制,埋入钢管直径高达3.76米,以消除昂贵的混凝土锚固块;在陡峭的岩石切口的表面安装的钢笔;表面动力驻地采用水平弗朗西斯和垂直多喷射型涡轮发电机单元;复杂的流量测量和流量斜坡协议;和渔业赔偿措施。



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