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NERC Generator Facility Testing and Model Validation Compliance




New North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) reliability standards will require generator owners and operators to implement a new 5- to 10-year test cycle for virtually every generator. These requirements have been in force within the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) region for some time. WECC is one of eight regional reliability organizations, also known as the Electric Reliability Organizations (ERO). These NERC standards will be expanded and applied throughout North America. Owners will be required to validate and verify each generator’s real and reactive power capability (MOD-25-1), unit and plant voltage regulation coordination (PRC-019-1), and plant and unit frequency and voltage excursion ride-through coordination (PRC-024-1). They will need to develop dynamic models for each generator, exciter and governor of a certain size or larger (MOD-026-1 and MOD-027-1). The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) rejected a disparate regional standards development approach and directed NERC to develop NERC-wide standards and compliance requirements. Present standard development focuses on the dynamic modeling requirements useable throughout all NERC regions. Development of national standards, however, will not necessarily preempt individual regions from imposing more stringent model compliance and reporting requirements. These new regulations will create near-term and continuing obligations for every generator owner. The referenced NERC standards are advanced in the adoption process and will require a phase-in implementation approach of one to five years depending on the standard with a percentage of all assets tested, validated and brought into compliance each year. Complicating the process, FERC has only adopted some NERC reliability standards; ordering immediate implementation of most standards and holds on others. This means some standards are mandatory and enforceable, while others are voluntary but soon to be enforceable. This paper discusses the current regulatory, technical and business challenges involved in complying with the dynamic modeling and testing requirements for all generating assets within NERC and FERC jurisdiction.
机译:新的北美电动服务公司(NERC)可靠性标准需要发电机所有者和运营商,以便几乎每个发电机实现新的5到10年的测试周期。这些要求在西部电力协调委员会(WECC)地区有效期为一段时间。 WECC是八个区域可靠性组织之一,也称为电动可靠性组织(ERO)。这些NERC标准将在整个北美扩展和应用。所有者将被要求验证和验证每个发电机的实际和无功功率功能(MOD-25-1),单位和厂房电压调节协调(PRC-019-1),以及工厂和单元频率和电压偏移通过协调( PRC-024-1)。它们需要为每个发电机,励磁器和较大的每个发电机,激励器和调速器(Mod-026-1和Mod-027-1)开发动态模型。联邦能源监管委员会(FERC)驳回了一个不同的区域标准开发方法,并指导了NERC,以制定未经发展的标准和合规性要求。目前标准开发侧重于所有NERC地区可用的动态建模要求。但是,国家标准的发展不一定抢占各个地区,从而抵抗更严格的拟规符合性和报告要求。这些新法规将为每个发电机所有者创造近期和持续义务。参考资金标准在采用过程中提出,需要一〜五年的逐步实施方法,具体取决于每年检验,验证和携带符合要求的所有资产百分比的标准。 FERC的过程复杂化,只采用了一些NERC可靠性标准;订购大多数标准的立即实施并持有其他标准。这意味着一些标准是强制性和可执行的,而其他标准是自愿的,但很快就可无法执行。本文讨论了遵守NERC和FERC管辖范围内所有发电资产的动态建模和测试要求,讨论了当前的监管,技术和商业挑战。



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