首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Mechanical, Control, and Electronic Information >Study on time-frequency spectrum characteristic of dynamic cutting load based on wavelet regularization

Study on time-frequency spectrum characteristic of dynamic cutting load based on wavelet regularization




Aimed at investigating time-frequency spectrum characteristic laws of conical pick rotary crushing coal and rock, this paper determines the mapping relationship of load spectrum between energy distribution and cutting process, and achieves quantitative reconstruction of the cutting coal and rock load spectrum. The experimental load spectrum is used as the object of research, utilizing wavelet regularization method to establish load spectrum reconstruction model of the pick cutting coal and rock, which will achieve its reconstruction load spectrum, so that it will discuss the variation of reconstruction load spectrum. Finally, it determines energy distribution of the load spectrum in different frequency band. The results show that the experimental load spectrum energy increases with the increasing of the cutting cycle number, and then decreases, so the characteristics of energy can characterize the cutting process. Energy of reconstruction load spectrum is mainly distributed in the low frequency range, which focuses on 1Hz and 3Hz, the amplitude of the high frequency energy is smaller than others.



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