首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing : Theory and Applications >Group Recommender Systems-Evolutionary Approach Based on Consensus with Ties

Group Recommender Systems-Evolutionary Approach Based on Consensus with Ties

机译:基于与关系的共识,集团推荐系统 - 进化方法



The issue regarding aggregation of multiple rankings into one consensus ranking is an interesting research subject in a ubiquitous scenario that includes a group of users. For minimizing the fitness value of Kendall tau distance (KtD), the well-known optimal aggregation method of Kemeny is used to generate an aggregated list from the input lists. A primary goal of our work is to recommend a list of items or permutation that can effectively handle the problem of full ranking with ties using consensus (FRWT-WC). Additionally, in real applications, most of the studies have focused on without ties. However, the rankings to be aggregated may not be permutations where elements have multiple choices ordered set, but they may have ties where some elements are placed at the same position. In this work, in order to handle problem of FRWT in GRS using consensus measure function, KtD are used as fitness function. Experimental result are presents that our proposed GRS based on Consensus for FRWT (GRS-FRWT-WC) outperforms well-knows baseline GRS techniques. In this work, we design and evolve an innovative method to solve the problem of ties in GRS based on consensus and results show that efficiency of group does not certainly reduce in which the group has similar-minded user.
机译:关于多项排名汇总为一个共识排名的问题是一个有趣的研究主题,其中包含一组用户。为了使KENDALL TAU距离(KTD)的适应值最小化,众所周知的KEMENY的最佳聚合方法用于从输入列表中生成聚合列表。我们的作品的主要目标是推荐一份项目或排列列表,这些项目或排列可以有效地处理使用共识(FRWT-WC)的关系的全部排名问题。此外,在真实的应用中,大多数研究都集中在没有关系。然而,要汇总的排名可能不是置换元素具有有序集合的多个选择,但是它们可能具有一些元素处于相同位置的关系。在这项工作中,为了处理使用共识测量功​​能的GRS中FRWT的问题,KTD用作健身功能。实验结果是我们基于FRWT(GRS-FRWT-WC)共识的提议GRS优于众所周知的基线GRS技术。在这项工作中,我们设计并发展了一种创新的方法,以解决基于共识的基于GRS的联系问题,结果表明,集团的效率并不肯定会减少该集团具有类似思想的用户。



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