首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing : Theory and Applications >Dengue Fever Classification Using Gene Expression Data: A PSO Based Artificial Neural Network Approach

Dengue Fever Classification Using Gene Expression Data: A PSO Based Artificial Neural Network Approach




A mosquito borne pathogen called Dengue virus (DENV) has been emerged as one of the most fatal threats in the recent time. Infections can be in two main forms, namely the DF (Dengue Fever), and DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever). An efficient detection method for both fever types turns out to be a significant task. Thus, in the present work, a novel application of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) trained Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been employed to separate the patients having Dengue fevers from those who are recovering from it or do not have DF. The ANN's input weight vector are optimized using PSO to achieve the expected accuracy and to avoid premature convergence toward the local optima. Therefore, a gene expression data (GDS5093 dataset) available publicly is used. The dataset contains gene expression data for DF, DHF, convalescent and healthy control patients of total 56 subjects. Greedy forward selection method has been applied to select most promising genes to identify the DF, DHF and normal (either convalescent or healthy controlled) patients. The proposed system perfor- mance was compared to the multilayer perceptron feed-forward neural network (MLP-FFN) classifier. Results proved the dominance of the proposed method with achieved accuracy of 90.91 %.
机译:叫做登革病毒(DENV)的蚊子传承的病原体被出现为近期最致命的威胁之一。感染可以是两种主要形式,即DF(登革热)和DHF(登革热出血热)。发烧类型的有效检测方法结果是重要的任务。因此,在本作工作中,已经采用了一种新颖的应用粒子培训(PSO)培训的人工神经网络(ANN)来将患者与从中恢复的人分开或者没有DF。 ANN的输入重量矢量通过PSO优化,以达到预期的准确性,并避免朝向当地最佳的过早收敛。因此,使用公开可用的基因表达数据(GDS5093数据集)。 DataSet包含DF,DHF,康复和健康控制患者的基因表达数据总共56个受试者。贪婪的前进选择方法已应用于选择最有前途的基因以鉴定DF,DHF和正常(伴随的或健康控制)患者。将所提出的系统性能与多层的Perceptron前馈神经网络(MLP-FFN)分类器进行比较。结果证明了拟议方法的优势,实现了90.91%的准确度。



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