首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing : Theory and Applications >Neighborhood Topology to Discover Influential Nodes in a Complex Network

Neighborhood Topology to Discover Influential Nodes in a Complex Network




This paper addresses the issue of distinguishing influential nodes in the complex network. The k-shell index features embeddedness of a node in the network based upon its number of links with other nodes. This index filters out the most influential nodes with higher values for this index, however, fails to discriminate their scores with good resolution, hence results in assigning same scores to the nodes belonging to same k-shell set. Extending this index with neighborhood coreness of a node and also featuring topological connections between its neighbors, our proposed method can express the nodes influence score precisely and can offer distributed and monotonic rank orders than other node ordering methods.
机译:本文解决了区分复杂网络中有影响力的节点的问题。 K-shell索引基于与其他节点的链接数量的链接在网络中的嵌入性。 此索引筛选出最有影响力的节点,该索引的值更高,但是未能以良好的分辨率区分其分数,因此导致为属于相同k-shell集的节点分配相同的分数。 将此索引与节点的邻域验诚扩展,并且还具有其邻居之间的拓扑连接,我们所提出的方法可以精确地表达节点影响分数,并且可以提供的分布式和单调等级订单而不是其他节点排序方法。



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