首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing : Theory and Applications >Automatic Classification of Lung Nodules into Benign or Malignant Using SVM Classifier

Automatic Classification of Lung Nodules into Benign or Malignant Using SVM Classifier




Carcinoma of lungs is allied to the cancers that are causing the highest number of deaths all over the world. It is very important to improvise the detection methods so that the rate of survival can be increased. In this paper, new algorithm has been proposed to segment the lung regions using Active Contour method. Once the detection of nodules is through and Gray level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) is used to calculate the texture features. HARALICK texture features are calculated and dominant features are extracted. Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classification of the nodules is done using SVM classifier. Satisfactory results have been obtained. Lung CT scan images are taken from LIDC-IDRI database.
机译:肺部癌均依赖于导致世界各地最多死亡人数的癌症。 即使检测方法非常重要,以便可以增加存活率。 在本文中,已经提出了新的算法来使用主动轮廓方法对肺区分割。 一旦结节的检测通过并且灰度级共出矩阵(GLCM)用于计算纹理特征。 Haralick纹理功能是计算的,提取主导功能。 支持向量机(SVM)结节的分类是使用SVM分类器完成的。 已经获得了令人满意的结果。 肺CT扫描图像取自LIDC-IDRI数据库。



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