首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Advanced Materials Research >Wear Behavior of Al-20 vol. SiCp Composites Manufactured by Dynamic Consolidation

Wear Behavior of Al-20 vol. SiCp Composites Manufactured by Dynamic Consolidation

机译:AL-20 Vol的磨损行为。%SICP复合材料通过动态整合制造



Dynamic consolidation is the route that can be used as a processing method to produce aluminum-matrix composite. This process offers several unique advantages over the static compaction methods in conventional powder metallurgy. Al-20 vol.% SiCp composites were manufactured by direct explosive compaction with various explosive pad thicknesses that resulted in densities of compacts from 92% to 98.5% TD. The wear behavior of the various compacts was evaluated using a pin-on-disc wear tester. The microstructure characterization was performed using light microscopy. The dominant wear mechanisms were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the sliding wear resistance increased with the increase in the density of the compact composites.
机译:动态整合是可以用作生产铝矩阵复合材料的处理方法的路线。该过程提供了传统粉末冶金中静态压实方法的几种独特优势。 Al-20 Vol.%SICP复合材料通过直接爆炸压实和各种爆炸性垫厚度制造,导致浓郁的密度为92%至98.5%TD。使用销盘式磨损测试仪评估各种压块的磨损行为。使用光学显微镜进行微观结构表征。使用扫描电子显微镜评估主导磨损机制。结果表明,滑动耐磨性随着紧凑复合材料的密度的增加而增加。



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