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A Regional Snow Index-Analysing and Mapping Natural Snowfall Probabilities and Technical Snow Production Possibilities from Past to Future

机译:区域雪指数 - 从过去到未来的区域雪指数分析和映射自然降雪概率和技术雪生产可能性



The increase of the near surface air temperature within the last decades clearly indicates a climate change in the European Alps. Both the snow availability as well as the snow pattern changed causing the snow line to rise up to higher altitudes. This put stress on the popular skiing areas in the Alps, which were forced to produce large amounts of artificial snow in order to provide a thorough snow cover for tourists. However, the production of artificial snow is also limited in the changing climate, since higher temperatures also raise the energy costs required for the production of artificial snow. In this analysis we used the previously measured solid/liquid precipitation characteristics based on temperature datasets, obtained from 69 meteorological stations at different altitudes, in order to develop a probability relationship of precipitation and snowfall, based on the time series from 1981-2011. Additionally we used 25×25km resolution Danish Meteorological Institute climate datasets from 1991-2000 and 2021-2030 as a Network Common Data Form input variable to identify snow availability at different altitudes and days. We used ArcGIS to downscale these characteristics to LiDAR based digital elevation models in order to predict regional, past and future daily snow availability at certain altitudes. The forecasts predict a further receding snow line and thus fewer areas with natural snow cover. Under the present technical standards, the artificial snow production will be more and more limited in future, so that stakeholders, policy makers, and industry related planners can use these indications as a basis to define adaptation strategies against climate change impacts.
机译:过去几十年内的近地表空气温度的增加明显表明欧洲阿尔卑斯山的气候变化。雪可用性以及雪地模式发生变化,导致雪线上升到更高的海拔。这会对阿尔卑斯山的流行滑雪区压力,被迫生产大量的人造雪,以便为游客提供彻底的雪覆盖。然而,人造雪的生产在不断变化的气候中也是有限的,因为较高的温度也提高了人造雪所需的能源成本。在该分析中,我们使用了基于温度数据集的先前测量的固体/液体沉淀特性,从不同高度的69个气象站获得,以便基于1981 - 2011年的时间序列来开发降水和降雪的概率关系。此外,我们使用了25×25km的分辨率丹麦语气象研究所的气候数据集从1991 - 2000年和2021-2030作为网络常见数据表单输入变量,以识别不同的高度和天的雪可用性。我们使用ArcGIS向基于Lidar的数字高度模型降低这些特性,以预测某些高度的区​​域,过去和未来日常雪可用性。预测预测进一步解倒的雪线,从而减少了自然雪覆盖的区域。在目前的技术标准下,未来人工雪地生产将越来越有限,因此利益相关者,政策制定者和行业相关规划者可以将这些迹象作为界定适应气候变化影响的基础。



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