首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development >Adjustment of the Industrial Distribution in Nantong Urban Area

Adjustment of the Industrial Distribution in Nantong Urban Area




This paper analyses the present distribution and adjustment trend of large and medium industrial enterprises in Nantong urban area, according to the general theory of world urban industrial distribution adjustment, using statistical yearbooks combined with sampling survey on the spots, based on spatial analysis technology. Results show that the urban industrial distribution in Nantong is more dispersed, and the Chongchuan District which including the old city still accounts for a large proportion. The layout of the industrial enterprises in the old urban area of Nantong shows a pattern which main along the traffic lines, and with a relatively low proportion along the Yangtze River. Thus, it should be combined with the development of function orientation of each urban districts and the interaction of port and city, and should greatly develop the port industries.



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