
Design and manufacture of vacuum forming moulds




This paper presents an investigation of the positive vacuum forming process. Previous research has indicated requirements of a draft angle of at least two to five degree and a depth to width ratio of not greater than 1:1. For specific formed geometry that required smaller draft angles and greater draw depths these limitations may make the positive vacuum forming process not applicable. The overall aim of this work was to allow the process to become more versatile. This work focused on three prototype moulds which were designed, manufactured, tested and analysed with a view to over come the present process limitations. Moulds were made of wood with a size of 68 X 68 X 75mm. Air holes of 1 and 10mm diameter were drilled in to these moulds in different positions. Polypropylene terephthalate glycol (PETG) materials was used to make the final product via the vacuum process. To release the product from the mould a constant 8bar pressure was applied. Proper time to make the final products and the quality of the final product were investigated. It was found that moulds with air holes opening in all surfaces resulted in shorter cycle times, lower air pressure and better quality of formed parts. It was also found in this work that a zero draft angle and as well as 1:1.1 draw depth was possible to achieve in the vacuum forming process.
机译:本文提出了对阳性真空成型过程的研究。以前的研究表明了对至少两到五度的牵伸角的要求,深度宽度不大于1:1。对于特定的形成几何形状,需要更小的牵伸角度和更大的吸附深度这些限制可以使正的真空成型过程不适用。这项工作的整体目标是让流程变得更加多样化。这项工作集中在三种原型模具上,该模具被设计,制造,制造,测试和分析,以至于到现本过程限制。模具是由木材制成的,尺寸为68 x 68 x 75mm。在不同位置钻入1和10mm直径的空气孔。聚丙烯对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PETG)材料用于通过真空过程制备最终产物。从模具中释放产品,施加恒定的8bar压力。研究了最终产品的适当时间和最终产品的质量。结果发现,在所有表面中开口的空气孔的模具导致循环时间较短,压力较低和更好的成形部件。在这项工作中也发现了零选秀角度和1:1.1吸附深度可以在真空成型过程中实现。



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