
Numerical Assessment of the Ebe Schooner-Brig

机译:EBE Schooner-Brig的数值评估



The Ebe schooner-brig was built in 1921 and sailed the Mediterranean's sea for almost forty years, before being dissected into ninety parts to be transported in Milan (Italy). There, the schooner was reassembled and the naval pavilion of the National Museum of Science and Technology was built up all around the ship. After forty years in the museum, the ship presents significant deformations of both the deck and the keel, particularly in correspondence of the external supports. Despite several interventions in the past and a recent restoration, the deformation phenomenon is still worrying, and the understanding of the real cause is lacking from many aspects. Experts have already advanced some hypotheses, often in opposition to one another, and unfortunately, a continuous monitoring of the ship deformation has not been started yet. In the present paper, the schooner structure is modeled with the commercial finite element code Diana, considering a two-dimensional model of the ship cross-section. The obtained results allow for a deeper understanding of the stress-strain field in the schooner, providing a first safety assessment and useful hints for the design of the monitoring and future interventions.
机译:Ebe Schooner-Brig建于1921年,乘坐地中海的大海近四十年,然后被解剖到米兰(意大利)运输的九十零。在那里,大篷车被重新组装,国家科学与技术博物馆的海军馆在船上建造。在博物馆四十多年后,该船呈现甲板和龙骨的显着变形,特别是在外部支撑的对应关系中。尽管过去几次干预措施和最近的恢复,但变形现象仍然令人担忧,并且对实际原因的理解缺乏许多方面。专家已经前进了一些假设,通常反对彼此,不幸的是,尚未开始持续监测船舶变形。在本文中,考虑到船舶横截面的二维模型,Schooner结构与商业有限元码Diana建模。所获得的结果允许更深入地了解大篷车的应力 - 应变场,为设计的监测和未来干预措施提供第一个安全评估和有用的提示。



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