首页> 外文会议>IEEE/NIH Life Science Systems and Applications Workshop >Analysis of biomarker features from a differential mobility spectrometer for the detection of tuberculosis

Analysis of biomarker features from a differential mobility spectrometer for the detection of tuberculosis




In this article, we present an investigation of an approach to extract discriminating features from differential mobility spectrometer (DMS) signals generated from two sets of in vitro samples of headspace that contain volatile organic compounds. Thetwoclassesof signals we analyze area strain of tuberculosis grown in media and the media alone. Our approach first preprocesses the DMS signals to recover a baselined signal and then applies a wavdet transform to obtain localized measures of chemical activity in the detector output. The approach then ranks the wavdet coefficients using a common measure of class separability to identify distinguishing wavdet coefficients. Our analysis indicates that the subsequent ranking can often identify areas of signal devoid of chemical structures and that when discriminating chemical features are identified, the constraints of the wavdet transform as a decompositional tool can result in mismatches between the main lobe of the wavdet basis function and the chemical peak. Techniques to mitigate these effects are also discussed, and considerations are madefor how to track features across multiple experiments.



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